Tom Rambo

Full Stack Developer

About Me

Hello, my name is Tom Rambo. I am a Navy veteran and former truck driver who is transitioning into the tech field. After leaving the Navy, and driving truck for a while, I was ready to look for a different career, that is when I became interested in coding. I quit driving truck, and joined We Can Code It, a full-time coding bootcamp in Cleveland. I spent 14 weeks there focused on C#, JavaScript, html, and CSS basics. After that I promptly joined the 12-week full-time C# software development course, at Eleven Fifty Academy in Indianapolis, which is focused on creating APIs, and accessing, and creating data bases. I then joined the Eleven Fifty 12-week full-time web development course, which is where I am currently enrolled. Below are some on the projects I have worked on over the past year.

My Projects

NASA API Project

The NASA API project performs fetch requests to the NASA API and retrieves data that is then injected into an HTML document using DOM manipulation.

Cleveland Blogs

Cleveland Blogs is a blogging website which utilizes an API I built with C#, and entity framework, to access a sql database, and provides full CRUD for users.

Star Wars Static Layout

This is a static recreation the official Star Wars page. It is built using only HTML and CSS.


Weather API Project

The weather API project uses fetch requests to access the one weather map API. Using the data return along with DOM manipulation, a user can find the current weather conditions for cities they search for.

Jam Sesh

Jam Sesh is a single page application designed to help local musicians connect and collaborate. Built with C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Music Cat

Music Cat is a Web API developed by a team of myself and, three other students as a final project for the Eleven Fifty Academy Blue Badge.

C# Console Application Challenges

Gold Badge Application challenges are a series of C# challenges designed to test your skills on the fundamentals of programing in C#.


CSS Creature

Stan was built in codepen using only HTML and CSS.
